Trio of Advertising Sponsors joins UK MEWPS Ltd | A Dedicated Platform to All Things MEWPS
A trio of Advertising Sponsors have signed up to the UK MEWPS dedicated powered access platform – there to contribute expertise and high-quality support.
All three advertising sponsors have committed to forming an integral part of our industry-unique ‘Ask an Expert‘, a free resource for end users of powered access including hirers and operators of mewps.
What do the new sponsors bring to the MEWPS.UK platform, how can they serve our constituent businesses and casual visitors? Soon we will reveal all, though however we can make working at height safer and more productive – whilst eliminating and reducing risk – we will continue to support that aim.

Sponsoring UK MEWPS helps to serve the access platforms industry for equipment hirers, equipment sellers and MHA attachments (Material Handling Attachments) and MEWP safety devices.
What are the benefits of sponsoring the MEWPS eCommerce ‘seller-branded’ platform?
Numerous in aims, objectives and diversity, because by helping promote and advertise UK SME’s to source and supply the right equipment for the elevating platform job – including accessories, consumables and related services – sponsorships represent an investment in a sell-through marketing initiative to create a higher demand for better quality products.
How can the MEWPS UK Community source safe, cost-efficient methods and use of access machines fitted with accessories – here are some suggestions:
Just a selection of practical ways that OEM experts can support the smarter use of equipment:
- Email answers to end user uploaded questions
- Phone the end user to unearth project needs and specify best-suited products
- Conduct free site surveys, product awareness talks and onsite training to promote safe use
- Offer online video calls where project management, health and safety teams learn what’s new
- Hire out the Materials Handling Attachments (MHA) needed to combat unsafe use of materials at height
What is the aim of the Ask an Expert free resource?
To expertly ‘join together‘ those end users using our Ask an Expert function who have an immediate or future requirement for products, matching them with verified members on the UK MEWPS website, to offer and serve solutions; and do it for FREE.
How does ‘Ask an Expert’ work?
Uploaded end user questions are distributed using website backend automation via mailer to signed-up ‘Verified’ Hire Members: with no favour nor agenda. If you want to help then simply get signed-up, get verified and get involved!
How can I gain insightful, expert advice for improved working on MEWPS?
By communicating with this website’s sponsored members, verified by us at UK MEWPS Ltd before inclusion onto either the MEWPS Marketplace or MEWPS Knowledge Hub), the first-of-a-kind repository of helpful content, practical equipment guidance and best practise use exists to support end users of machines.
What types of platforms are offered on MEWPS?
Many wide and varying ranges of height working equipment, including Scissor Lifts, Cherry Picker Boom Lifts, Trailer Mounted Towable Boom Lifts, are available to hire and buy – to rent or lease purchase – made possible via our network of MEWP-industry companies operating throughout the UK.
Will our helpful content assist site teams to complete RAMS?
Specialist content never before created – you’ll want to link to our new sponsor’s knowledge base – is bespoke on this web asset. We at UK MEWPS Ltd (Andy Laking, Editor and Managing Director), will piece together OEM’s, equipment suppliers and multi-discipline contractors (from construction trades and throughout the built environment) in a coherent collation, in one convenient digital platform: MEWPS.UK