Scissor Lifts fitted with Anti-Entrapment Devices?
MEWP Operators, Principle Contractors, Clients & Access Equipment OEMs all have a valid say on MEWPS UK: Should Scissor Lifts be fitted with Anti-Entrapment Devices…
NEW: Material Handling Attachments – MHA for Scissor Lifts and Boom Lifts – Buy or Hire…
It has come to the attention of MEWPS UK that the question of whether scissor lifts should be fitted with anti-entrapment devices – designed to help prevent injury from crushing and overhead collision – is very much still being talked about on at least one very large industrial complex in the UK. The Site Operator (Client) of the built environment facility is discussing with the suppliers of hired-in MEWPs to provide overhead protection.
The device type being discussed is roughy based on systems which have been successfully used on cherry pickers (boom lifts) for a number of years now. The devices alert the operator of the scissor lift to the proximity of an overhead obstacle or hazard…with an audible alarm ‘beeping’ when an object is identified…with device’s aim being to help avoid a collision and entrapment, allowing for machine operation to be stopped safely.

We’re asking the MEWPS UK Powered Access Community for their opinion…
Retrofitted Entrapment Devices – A practical idea?
Taking into account what MEWP site mandates are right now, or will exist in the future, how practical is retrofitting entrapment to scissors; are they needed, and if so, what statistics have been recorded to support making the case…
Manufactured OEM Entrapment Devices – A better idea?
Is a better solution, albeit we know it could take considerable time, for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) of Access Equipment to manufacture safety solutions around the present and future end user’s needs, providing a ‘priced-in option’ when adding new scissors to fleet…